Extended Development & Industry Night Update

Hello RedLine Anarchy Racers!

We have a quick update regarding our Industry Night and the ongoing development of RedLine Anarchy.

Industry Night Update

Our final graduation event, Industry Night, has been rescheduled to later this month. This delay gives us additional time to perfect our game and polish the launch trailer. While we’re excited to present RedLine Anarchy to gaming industry enthusiasts, this extra time will ensure that we showcase the best possible version of our game.

What We’re Working On

With the extended timeline, we are taking the opportunity to:

  • Enhance Game Features: We’re refining the new quality of life features introduced in our recent update, including the Wrong Direction Indicator, Race Progress Meter, and enhanced sound effects. This additional development time allows us to iron out any kinks and improve their functionality and integration.
  • Perfect the Launch Trailer: We’re putting the final touches on our launch trailer, making sure it captures the thrill and excitement of RedLine Anarchy. This trailer will highlight the game’s best features and showcase the immersive racing experience we’ve worked hard to create.
  • Continued Bug Testing: We are conducting more thorough testing to ensure a smooth and stable experience for all players. Our goal is to deliver a polished final build that meets the high standards we’ve set for ourselves.

Looking Forward

We’re grateful for your patience and support as we make these final adjustments. The extra time to develop and refine our game means we can deliver a more engaging and polished RedLine Anarchy. We’re eager to present our work during Industry Night and to release the final build soon after.

Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for being a part of our journey!

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